Wednesday, September 3, 2014

All He Wants For Christmas Is His 2 Front Teeth...

This kid.

What.Am.I.Going.To.Do?! He's losing teeth left and right O_o. In the past 2.5 months, this kid has lost 3...1,2,3 teeth. Months ago, the dentist said it was going to happen.
"So Nicole, Mase has 4 loose teeth which will probably all be out by the end of summer. Just wanted to give you a head's up." 
Me: "Huh!?" 
Mase: "AWESOME!" 
Well, Dr. Ray wasn't kidding. All but one of those little Chiclets have dropped out of that handsome little mouth of his. 

So when Dr. Ray told me about this upcoming milestone, I decided I needed to make him a Tooth Fairy Pillow! Don't know what that is? It's a pillow...wait for it...that holds teeth...for the Tooth Fairy to collect! And in return she leaves behind a little George Washington, if you catch my drift ;-) My Italian Noni had made me and my sisters our very own tooth fairy pillows when we were little. I loved that little pillow. It was a scarecrow, in a perfectly stitched straw hat, the bluest of overalls with red and orange little patches in all the right places. The scarecrow's overalls had a top pocket deep enough for a little pearly white to sit comfortably. I can see it now! But what I loved most about it was that she made it. By heart. By hand. It made an impression on me. Anyway, I searched the web for the perfect tooth pillow and hated them all for one reason or another. Until I came upon one of my favorite blogs, Suzanne, over at Just Another Hang Up ( She had these darling templates for a tooth fairy pillow. Done deal. I headed out to JoAnne Fabrics, bought some bold colors of fabric and it was game on! Here is our version of Suzanne's "Manfred the Tooth Fairy Pillow:"

It was pretty simple to do. The template called for a 10" pillow, but I chose to make ours a little larger at 12" instead (in case I royally screwed up...which I did in a few places).  I wanted to add a little personal touch and homage to my late Noni, so I hand stitched his name across the top and everything else was done in applique for the most part. So now Mase has a tooth fairy pillow of his very own. I'm excited to make little brother one of his very own soon too! This post is dedicated to my late Noni. For my Noni Eva, who made an impression on my heart and who still inspires me from the heavens above. This little pillow is for you xoxo

Creatively Yours,
NorCal Contessa


  1. Could this kiddo be any cuter? Don't think so. And the tooth fairy pillow is perfection! Love!

  2. Aww thank you Pam, on both accounts ;-) xo
